Archival Recording

Radio GLLU: 1986 April 27


Anthony Price
Good evening and welcome to the April 27th, 1986 edition of IMRU. I'm Anthony Price. Tonight we welcome, as a regular monthly feature to IMRU, members of the Gay and Lesbian Latinos Unidos, as they present a half hour program of music, news, and culture from Latino gay and lesbian community. Later in the show, we'll be hearing selective songs from the radio debut of Romanovsky and Phillips new album, Trouble in Paradise. Josy Catoggio will be here to bring us a live update on the troubles facing exiles, and homeless gay lovers, Australian Anthony Sullivan, and American Richard Adams. And John Diaz and I will present this week's community calendar of events. And now Radio GLLU.

Lydia Otero
Bienvenidos. Soy Lydia Otero.

Eduardo Archuleta
And Eduardo Archuleta.

Lydia Otero
Gay and Lesbian Latino Unidos welcomes you to Radio GLLU.

Eduardo Archuleta
El cuarto domingo de cada mes a las diez de la noche estaremos aquí con ustedes.

Lydia Otero
On the fourth Sunday of each at 10:00 PM for an exciting half hour with you in mind, and from 10:30 to 11, IMRU will be back. Estamos aquí porque sabemos que nuestros hermanos y hermanas no han podido recibir el apoyo de un comunidad que les permita vivir con el orgullo de ser lesbiana o gay. Queremos que sepan que no están solos.

Eduardo Archuleta
Those of us who cannot live openly as lesbians and gay need to note that we are not alone, but a part of a community that does care.

Lydia Otero
Gay and Lesbian Latinos Unidos. GLLU. Which was formed in September 1981, as a small social and political group, is now a nonprofit educational organization. Cultural and consciousness raising activities are also provided, as well as a vehicle for artistic expression, and organizing social and fundraising events. GLLU is an organization uniquely dedicated to provide for lesbian and gay Latinos, a space to share their common ethnic backgrounds and sexual identities. It is also a form where issues directly concerning us are expressed and discussed, and solutions are sought. We are an alternative to the traditional Lesbian and gay social outlets.

Eduardo Archuleta
Establecidos en septiembre 1981 como un grupo social y político, Gay and Lesbian Latinos Unidos ahora es una organización educacional. Presentamos actividades educacionales, culturales, y eventos sociales, y para recuadar fondos. [INAUDIBLE]. GLLU está dedicado a proveer para lesbianas latinas y gays latinos un espacio donde los asistentes pueden compartir su cultura y sus identidades sexuales. Es un forum donde se expresan y se discuten asuntos que nos afecten y donde se busca soluciones. También GLLU es un alternativo a los lugares tradicionales sociales disponibles a lesbianas y gays.

Eduardo Archuleta
GLLU's activities are guided by the board of directors and five standing committees, Lesbianas Unidas, education, social cultural communication, and the AIDS committee. Some of the activities include the organizational's Newsletter, Unidad, the Garcia Lorca Essay Contest, the Lesbian and Gay Latina and Latino History Project, and annual Christmas toy drive in conjunction with Sunset Junction Neighborhood Alliance, various retreats, dances, rap groups, and a speakers program, and other social and cultural events. GLLU is also an active member and participant in a wide variety of community projects.

Lydia Otero
La meta principal de GLLU es educacional. Cumplimos esta meta por la unificación de la comunidad lesbiana y gay conel resto de la comunidad Latina al travez de nuestra participación en las actividades de ambas comunidades. Como resultado, demonstrates a la comunidad lesbiana y gay que hay latinas y latinos organizados entre ellos. Igualmente, demonstramos a la comunidad Latino que algunas de sus hermanas y hermanos son lesbianas y gays. GLLU educa proveyendo ejemplos de actitud positiva en ambas comunidades como respuesta al racismo, sexismo, y homofobia que existe.

Eduardo Archuleta
GLLU's primary goal is education. We do this by linking up the lesbian and gay community with the Latina and Latino community, through our participation in both communities, activities, and areas of common concern. As a result, we demonstrate to the lesbian and gay community that there are self-organized Latinas and Latinos among them. We equally demonstrate to the Latino and Latina community that there is some of their hermanas and hermanos are Lesbian and gay. GLLU educates by providing role models in both communities that are a positive response to racism, sexism, homophobia, and classism.


Eduardo Archuleta
This is Eduardo Archuleta with Radio GLLU. Today we're proud to be speaking with Oscar de la O and Geneva Fernandez, President and Vice President of Gay and Lesbian Latino Unidos. Geneva, now that GLLU has entered its fifth year, what impact has it had on the rest of the lesbian and gay community?

Geneva Fernandez
I think that GLLU has actually had a vast impact in the community at large. When we look at the different organizations that currently look for endorsements, such as Sunset Junction, [CON]NEXUS, CSW, and all across the board, the community is now coming to us looking for support. We are almost looked at as the microcosm of the gay and lesbian community, such as being a minority within that.

Eduardo Archuleta 
Oscar. What impact have you noticed GLLU having on the non-gay Latino community?

Oscar de la O
The most significant impact that I've noticed from the non-gay Latino community has been that finally we're being recognized, that we exist. And this could be seen by the fact that several candidates like Richard Polanco just recently has come to our meetings. In the past, R. Torres and Gloria Molina have seeked our support and advice on several issues. Also established organizations such as MALDEF, the Mexican American Legal Defense Organization has invited GLLU to participate in their advocacy program.

Eduardo Archuleta
Geneva, GLLU has been noted for its strong working relationships between men and women. This is rare among lesbian and gay organizations. What has made this possible?

Geneva Fernandez
I think what's actually made it possible is that the men in GLLU are not intimidated by strong women. And if you look at the past history of GLLU, the Lesbian Task Force, which is now Lesbianas Unidas, was formed by the men in GLLU. And in this formation of Lesbian Task Force, they actually began to sit down and look at their own racism and sexism. One of the things that I can actually say about GLLU, that I cannot say about all gay white males, is I worked at the Gay and Lesbian Community Service Center, in saying to a white man working there that the only reason why we're working together is because we sexually don't prefer each other. And I can't say this to hold true with my brothers in GLLU, because we do have a common bond of oppression, and that is our nationalities and our culture.

Eduardo Archuleta
Oscar, can you briefly explain the functions of GLLU's five committees?

Oscar de la O
Yes. We have five standing committees in GLLU, which are the education, communication, social culture, the Latina Lesbianas Unidas, and the AIDS committee. The Education Committee basically organizes rap sessions and annually organizes our essay contest, which is the Garcia Lorca. The Communications Committee puts out our well known Unidad newsletter. Our Social Cultural Committee organizes all of our social events, parties. Recently, we're going to be putting on a camping trip. The last two committees, Lesbianas Unidas, and the AIDS committees were just recently formed. The Lesbianas Unidas is to do more outreach into the community. And I think we've been very successful with this committee, since there has been a large increase in our membership from our lesbian sisters. The AIDS committee, we implemented it about two months ago and that was because we felt that there was a need, a void, in our community that the needs of the minorities were not being addressed as they concerned to the AIDS issue.

Eduardo Archuleta
What events are planned in the near future for GLLU?

Oscar de la O
We have several events coming up, one of them being the Cinco de Mayo dance, which will be on May the 3rd. We also have several fundraisers coming up for the Minorities AIDS Project, which we work very closely with. We have the People of Color Conference that's also coming up, which GLLU is a very proud host of. And we also have our annual Latino Latina happening that will be taking place. And we'll be publicizing all of this events and hopefully everybody will get involved in supporting us.

Eduardo Archuleta
Geneva, what is the future of GLLU?

Geneva Fernandez
The future of GLLU, I think at this point, is to expand on our membership. Before we go any farther, we really need to get more support within our Latino and Latina gay and lesbian community. And on the other hand, we are also looking at the possibility of becoming a substantial non-profit organization that could possibly look into foundation money, and also look into grant money that is currently being distributed to other organizations. And possibly, just having a ground base where we can actually provide the services that are not being met by the white, gay and lesbian community.

Eduardo Archuleta
Thank you. The last question I have for both of you is, what would you tell a prospective member, someone wanting to join Gay and Lesbian Latino Unidos?

Geneva Fernandez
What I do tell prospective members, and members that were possibly members a year ago and what have you, is that there's a sense of familia, which you can't find anywhere else. It's a common bond. It's like having your brothers and sisters as a support group that actually, where you can be yourself, and you can speak in the tongue that you're comfortable with, and be around with people that care. GLLU is a dynamite organization, and is currently mobilizing throughout the Southwest. And I would basically go on that.

Eduardo Archuleta

Oscar de la O
I would second Geneva's statement. I think to put it very nicely, in that it's a familia, and it's not an organization that you come, and you join, and you attend meetings, but that there's a support system out there that we're all truly a familia. So by joining GLLU, what you really get is a familia, and it's a nice organization to belong to.

Eduardo Archuleta
This is Eduardo Archuleta with Oscar de la O and Geneva Fernandez from Gay and Lesbian Latino Unidos. Thank you. En esta sección del programa tenemos con nosotros a Roberto, un residente del área que generosamente ha accedido a participar con nosotros algunas de sus poemas. Roberto, podrías hacer un comentario acerca de las horas que vamos a escuchar hoy? 

Bueno, la único que quisiera decirles es que son poemas que he escrito en los último diez años. Callen bajo dos categorías en general. La primera tema es del amor, una experiencia universal para todos y facil de considerar. El segundo grupo habla acerca de cuestiones philosophicas de la vida y también hace preguntas acerca de la naturaleza, de dios, y la relación del hombre o la mujer con dios. ¿Quieres, Louis, que empiece ahora?

Estamos listos.

Ok. El primero dedicado a…El primero en realidad consiste de tres poemas separados que están unidos no solo por el objeto de que se dirigen, a Oscar, sino también es la respuesta del otro. Empezamos asi.

[Poetry Reading]

Roberto, muchísimas gracias.

[Poetry Reading]

Eduardo Archuleta
Two of Mexico's finest artists, singer, composer Juan Gabriel and singer, actress Lucha Villa, collaborated on one of the best records of 1985, simply titled “Lucha Villa Interpreta A Juan Gabriel.” We are treated to 10 new Juan compositions, and Lucha Villa, once again proving she is the finest mariachi singer, takes these fine crafted tunes to a new point in the continuous evolution of Mexican mariachi music. While the Latin American airwaves are filled with a host of bland pop singers, it was a real treat to have this record show us what real singing and writing are about. And now, Lucha Villa and Juan Gabriel.


Lydia Otero
Celebrate Cinco de Mayo with Gay and Lesbian Latino Unidos, Saturday May 3rd. Live music, no house bar, and a good ambiente. The address is 1436 West 29th Street, one block west of Vermont Avenue, Los Angeles. For more information, call (213) 665-8852.

Eduardo Archuleta
Gay and Lesbian Latino Unidos is proud to be hosting the fourth annual International Lesbian and Gay People of Color Conference this November. The conditions facing third world, lesbian and gays in these mid 1980s, causes us to seriously reflect on our lives. As the writer Langston Hughes said, "life for us ain't been no crystal staircase."

We have been at once apart and separated from our ethnic and gay communities. Sometimes ostracized, often ignored. We have come up against homophobia and racism time and time again. This does not mention the situation In larger society. We face a time when our spirit, body, and mind are challenged by political attacks by the new right and the assault on our lives by AIDS. And yet, we struggle and see the emergence of more sisters and brothers who are coming out to their communities, coming together in organizations, and coming about to work together instead of struggling alone.

This is the spirit which is embodied in our theme. Joining struggles, making our future. The fourth convening of the International Lesbian and Gay People of Color Conference will be an important step in assessing the present situation faced by people of color, lesbians, and gay men. It will be a forum for discussing issues and directions. It will be a basis for revitalizing ties and building a broader, more united front. It will be a healing regenerating force.

By joining our struggles, the conference will reinforce the efforts we make as individuals, organizations, and communities, to make our future. The conference planning is now into critical planning work, and we have formed the following committees. The general body meets every first Thursday of the month, 7:00 to 9:00 PM at 4640 Hollywood Boulevard, one block east of Vermont in Los Angeles. For individuals and organizations outside of the Southern California area, regional contacts are needed across the country and internationally. The outreach committee can provide you with information and registration materials to enable your community to become a part of the conference. Call (213) 599-6583, or write to the People of Color Conference 859 North Virgil Avenue, suite D 145, Los Angeles, California 9 0 0 2 9.

Lydia Otero
Unidad, the bimonthly newsletter published by Gay and Lesbian Latino Unidos, keeps you in touch with the people and events who are changing and leading our community. Past issues of Unidad have featured Robert Aguayo, a straight Latino who works closely with the Lesbian and gay community and his home boys and girls in Echo Park. Adele Martinez, executive director of Connexxus Woman's Center, Centro de Mujeres, who co-founded the organization when state and city funded organizations continually failed to address and meet the needs of lesbians in our community.

Franklin Orozco, an openly gay police officer, who refuses to give up his career despite the unspoken discrimination he continually receives. Unidad, now in its fifth year of continuous publication, continues to reach you the way no other publication can. Copies of Unidad are available free of charge at A Different Light Bookstore in Silver Lake, and Sisterhood Bookstore in Westwood. But to ensure that you receive your copy, subscriptions to Unidad are available for $5 per year. Send your check or money order to GLLU, G L L U 1213 North Highland Avenue, Los Angeles, California 90038.

Eduardo Archuleta
On Sunday, May 25th at 1:00, the Gay Asian Rap Group will be hosting a barbecue fundraiser for the Minority AIDS Project. This will be held at 111 South Mariposa in Los Angeles. For additional information, please call (213) 384-0648.

Lydia Otero
Gracias por haber escuchado al primer programa de Radio GLLU. Mandanos tus ideas para el próximo programa. Esperamos que atienden al primer GLLU meeting el jueves ocho de mayo. 

Eduardo Archuleta
Thank you for listening to Radio GLLU. Remember that we want your ideas of what you would like to hear on Radio GLLU. We hope to see you at our next GLLU meeting, Thursday, May 8th at 7:00 PM, at the Gain Lesbian Community Services Center at 1213 North Highland Avenue in Hollywood. Or call us for more information at Area code 2 1 3 6 6 5 8 8 5 2. This show was produced by Eduardo Archuleta, Louis Jacinto, and Lydia Otero, in cooperation with IMRU KPFK. Thank you and goodnight.


“Radio Gay and Lesbian Unidos GLLU #1 1986 April 27,” open reel audiotape (7 inch reel). IMRU Radio Sound Recordings and Administrative Records, 1970-2011. ONE Archives at the USC Libraries.